Ever think about a back up plan to get your employees paid? What would happen if your administrator, bookkeeper, accountant or spouse had an emergency and had to drop everything they do for you, to take care of their needs? Reality check! Who steps up to the plate? Is it you? Do you know the payroll process for your business? You might be able to cut a few checks or manage fo a few pay periods, but what about the tax deposits and reporting that are part of the payroll process? What about you, the business owner, having to leave in the event of an emergency? Gone on vaction lately? Who’s covering home? These incidents may not occur very often, if at all, but what if it did?
Insure you have a back up plan! Educate yourself on the processes of your company, but allow the experts to process and handle what they do best. Then you can focus on making your product or service more profitable. It also puts the employees at ease knowing they are going to be taken care of should a situation arise.
Need more information or help? Contact pes-wies at www.pes-wies.com.