From Mac to PC!

My dearest friend PC,

I humbly apologize for the thoughts you may have regarding your need for attention. As you stated in your letter to me, your disk space is now full and any attempt to require more would cost your user significant pain and suffering. This is where I come in! The user has determined that my modern use of space with more hard drive will benefit them more than putting effort into fixing your issues. I was created with a different software system, this is true, but the user has already begun learning new and easier ways to accomplish what they need. It may take a while to figure out what they need from me or how to get what they want, but they seem to be excited about learning something new. Please don’t assume for a moment that I disrespect you in any way. I am here to help the user get what he needs done. That is my purpose.
Once upon a time, you too were purchased to hold files and documents for use. To play video’s and games, to help correct errors in spelling and math. Heck, I bet your screen brightened each time they booted you up. I know mine does. That said, it’s time to move ahead and accept your role as back up. They still need you for certain formats and files. All I ask is that you give me a chance to share my ways with them and help them advance through this transition. As hard as it may seem, they need you too.
Let the users have a chance to upload their files and pictures with me. Show them that we can work together. Then we can both be part of a better plan. Should they seek advice from my manufacturer, be aware that your attitude will determine the position in which you remain in the loop. I tell you this because I would like to see you next to me for as long as possible. This is my way of letting you know that I care. I did not take your letter to me as a threat, if that’s how it was intended. Just know that I will be glad to work with you when you are ready. I appreciate your systems and hardware.
Should you need help from me just! I hope to be working with you soon!



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