It looks like we are ending the year once again! Not by choice, but because that’s the way life works! With all the talk of the Mayan calendar ending 12/21/12, around 12 p.m. I’m assuming, guess I best get my final blog posted for you to read. If it’s not the case, then you will see more in the near future, like within a month!
As you all know, who are employed, W-2’s will need to be issued by January 31, 2013. In most cases, businesses are very good about getting them into the working man’s/woman’s hands as soon as possible so you can file your taxes and pay your “fair share” to the government. Once you receive these documents and file your taxes your good to go until next year. Although you may be paying more than your “fair share” in the future. No worries though, your government would love to help you out with spending issues in the future.
Keeping a positive attitude helps you remain sane in this world of entitlements. Just remember that giving gets you more in the end. Giving smiles, time, and knowledge provides others with so much more than tangible things. Widgets are ok, if that’s what your into, we all know we need things to survive, but do we really need one of everything? Keeping up with everyone else seems to be a race that no one can win.
We hope that you will have a wonderful Christmas Holiday and New Year 2013 that “WILL” be here at the end of the month!
Looking forward to helping you with your businesses payroll support services soon. Thanks for reading our blog posts the past year and keep checking for more soon. You can receive “100 Little Miracles” free of charge and the following “499 Little Miracles” each week by signing up for our weekly newsletter on our home page located at
Blog Ya soon,