Time to visit our state capital building and say hello to our House Representatives, Senators, and Idaho businesses that have products and services to market to other Idahoans! This annual trade show has always benefited pes-wies and introduced us to new potential clients, and to friends we have met there in the past.
This year the show is the 15th of February 2012 starting at 10 a.m. – 5p.m. No selling of products or services is allowed at this show, however, show and tell can get you potential leads and contact information you will need to turn a contact into a client! Not to mention, an opportunity to showcase your Idaho Business.
The political visitors may actually come by your booth to campaign or get away from the floor and that very important vote they are skirting! Either way you can get your monies worth (taxes you paid for their salaries) and discuss the all important issues you are passionate about, and they have to listen. (Or let them know your voting different next election!)
pes-wies hopes to see you there! Stop by and say hello. Pick up some shwag and sample some of Idaho’s best businesses.
Need any more information about this show? Let pes-wies know and we will be happy to get you the information.
See you in and around our capital city of BOISE, Idaho soon!
Posted by pes-wies at 1:55 PM